Lucky 2k16 应用

Multicraft Free Pocket Edition
Lucky 2k16
Multicraft Free Pocket Edition is freecrafting games that you can play craft and auto save worldTool for crafting recipes can be repaired by putting two tools ofthe same material and type in the crafting grid. This gives a 2%durability bonus.Free games for kids to play no money all games and multiplayerand real free, and lets Explore, dig and build in a voxel world,build on the move, Dig blocks, Mine resources, Craft hundreds ofitems, Travel day and Survive at night!Multi Craft Free Pocket Edition is infinite-world block sandboxgame, give the players pretty much everything they will ever wantto build with, and all the tools they should ever need to actuallyget the job well doneSource of Multicraft Free Pocket Edition Licensed LGPL v3:drive{dot}google{dot}com/file/d/0B5iU2gEYtPF4TTVDb3NPVVpUT0U/view?usp=sharing
Crafting Building and Survival
Lucky 2k16
Hunger mechanics like 1 apple fills up thehunger bar by 1 "pizza" (statbar symbol). Although the statbar show20 hunger points (10 pizzas) on the HUD you can fill it up to 30points and apple does not restore Health, but it rises yoursaturation.When you start the game you suck at everything. You start with afew torches, some sticks, some wood, and an axe. The tools you makeare poor quality and have limited durability. You are clueless whenit comes to smelting metals and you ruin most of the lumps you tryto smelt. You must mine ores and fight mobs to gain experience. Youcan use this experience to increase your skills.Crafting is the way in which blocks and items are made, Tocrafting, You must move items from inventory into the 3 by 3crafting grid and then You must arrange the items into the patternrepresenting the items You wish to create. The horizontalorientation at which the items are placed does matter, except astairsSource of Crafting Building and Survival Licensed LGPL v3:drive{dot}google{dot}com/file/d/0B5iU2gEYtPF4bFl0OUJSMlV2eFU/view?usp=sharing
Modern House Craft 1.13.8
Lucky 2k16
Modern House Craft PE is free games for kidsto play no money all games and multiplayer and real free buildinghouse, this game has feature-filled Modern House collection in homedecor mod. Build your own house, it consists of multiple parts,home decor mod supplies a bunch of stuff found in and around mosthomes, like flower pots, home electronics, window shutters, brassand wrought-iron tables, kitchen stuff, bathroom fixtures, lrfurnmod computers mod, chandelier mod and lots more, building gameswhere you build your own house.Many items can be used as fuel but the burn times need tuning,and I need to tune the cook time and fuel usage on the smelteditems.Modern House Craft PE that allows you to build stunning buildingin the voxel world at daylight, with blocks and ores to survive atnight, they have 16x16 textures and are seen by the player as onecubic meter. Use furnace, furnaces are crafted and used for thepurpose of cooking food and smelting various items.Slabs can be used to make long staircases which can be climbedwithout jumping, many various Slab like Wooden Planks Cobblestone,Stone, Brick Block, Sandstone.Consisting of creating and destroying blocks in a local oronline 3D environment, Modern House Craft PE is a free gamesupported to produce beautiful voxel map, block playing area,there's no running out of space. Yes, the world height is alsonear-infinite and exploration of the world that you build what youlikes, but be careful at night, because zombies mobs will attackyou, but don't worry because you can re-spawningSource of Modern House Craft PE Licensed LGPL v3 :drive{dot}google{dot}com/file/d/0B5iU2gEYtPF4MC1Gd21pMWxJcGM/view?usp=sharing
Village Craft Pocket Edition 1.3.32
Lucky 2k16
Build your own village with medieval, farming,or country life styles with crafting guide in pocket edition gamefor free.This game gives you infinite number of possibilities and endlesscreative and survival needs, build Your shelter if winter,fight andgrow, no limit as your craft imagination!Good presets for people who prefer building over survival. Flatwooden planks allow to construct your own furniture or even tobuild very small huts. The half door (for the other side: half doorinverted) is just one node high. If you place two on top of eachother, the upper door will be moved automaticly if you open/closethe lower one, while the upper door can also be operatedseperately. Window-shutters are designed for one-node-wide windows.You can open/close them by tap or just wait until it gets night(then they will close automaticly) or day (the shutters willopen).All these roof types come in three diffrent nodes: One shapedlike a stair and called 'roof connector' (useful for those placeswhere roof and wall meet), one where the lower hind part of thestair is missing (thus more rooflike), and a flat one (half a nodehigh). Only the top carries the texture; the rest is wood, exceptfor straw.Source of Village Craft Pocket Edition Licensed LGPL v3 :drive{dot}google{dot}com/file/d/0B5iU2gEYtPF4TUJOZ1JCRGdzNGM/view?usp=sharing
Castle Craft Build Sandbox 1.33.12
Lucky 2k16
This game contain a mod all about creatingcastles and castle dungeons. Many of the nodes are used for theouter-walls or dungeons like walls, corner-walls, castlestonestairs, slabs, pillars, hides, arrowslits, rubble (for betweenwalls), castle doors and more decorations!In a Castle Craft Build Sandbox PE games, there are 6 differentswords, crafted from wooden planks, junglewood planks, cobblestone,steel ingots, bronze, mese crystals and diamonds. The wooden sworddeals Half healty just like the hand, but its punch interval isfaster.Complete overhaul of player's inventory with nice interface ofinventory system ready for survival and creative, such as acrafting guide, featuring creative inventory, just click to getwhat you want.Craftable armor that is visible to other players. Each armoritem worn contributes to a player's armor group level making themless vulnerable to weapons.Castle Craft Build Sandbox PE or pocket edition is free sandboxgame designed for android device specific to create world or buildcastle, tavern, tower, medieval, gothic, victorian, cottage in thevoxel world with Life, ready for crafting or creative mode,spawning or survival, support multiplayers with bluetooth and havea tons of free servers that you can join.Source of Castle Craft Build Sandbox PE Licensed LGPL v3 :drive{dot}google{dot}com/file/d/0B5iU2gEYtPF4UUtnckVBV2Y1Tjg/view?usp=sharing
Pocket Edition Mine 1.5.21
Lucky 2k16
To craft something, You must move itemsfrominventory into the 3×3 crafting grid and then You must arrangetheitems into the pattern representing the item(s) they wishtocreate. The horizontal orientation at which the items areplaceddoes matter (except for stairs).Items in this game is :Tools (pickaxe, shovel and axe),Weapons (Wooden, Stone, Steel, Bronze, and diamond sword,Animals and Food (Rat, Cooked Rat, Apple, Iron Apple),Ores and Minerals (Coal, Iron, Steel Ingot, Clay Ball, ClayBrick,Copper, Gold Lump, Mese Crystal and Diamond),Misc (Stick, Paper and Book)Decor your building with fluorescent tubes, Blacklight bulb,Rainbowfluorescent tubes, Disco ballArmor takes damage when a player is hurt but also offersapercentage chance of healing.Overall level is boosted by 10% when wearing a fullmatchingset.Source of Pocket Edition 4 Mine Licensed LGPL v3 :drive{dot}google{dot}com/file/d/0B5iU2gEYtPF4ZjY5N1ptTEl1bWM/view?usp=sharing